Thursday, April 29, 2010

back at it

Back in the cab after about a month off. It feels good to be back on the road, out here in the dark, working to keep silly, pretty, drunken people out of trouble, using my powers for the good of the city at large.

Some highlights from the night so far:
- being flirted with by girls heading out to the bar: always an ego boost.
- cranking zz top and rush to 50 on the stereo for some chill bros. the sytem in this cab has an amp and fuckin bumps. I gotta listen to my music that loud more often.
- spotting a pretty girl drunkenly flailing on Broad St and coming to her aid. she mighta sorta fallen in love with me: I had to brush off a serious proposition, which made me feel good and wholesome. trouble would certainly have found this girl if I hadn't come along. I'm always happy to help get lonely, drunken people home safely.

-- Post From Taxi